• Français
  • What are the rights and duties of cyclists on the roads ?

    In France, the movement of cyclists is regulated by various regulations. Several specific road signs are present to facilitate the circulation of cyclists both within and outside urban areas.

    Moreover, facilities are implemented on roads to secure cyclists’ movements. The most popular areas within urban areas include :

    • The greenway
    • The cycle lane
    • The 30 km/h zone
    • And the shared central lane

    The road signs dedicated to cyclists’ movements

    Most of the time, cycle lanes are set up in urban areas, on the right side of the road. These lanes are indicated by road signs C113 and C115.

    Road sign C115 indicates a shared area between pedestrians and cyclists. It is not mandatory for the cyclist to be cautious.

    Road sign C113 is a sign indicating a lane or track reserved for two or three-wheeled cycles. However, it is not mandatory for cyclists to use these areas unless there is an obligation indicated by sign B22A.

    Generally, spaces reserved for cyclists, called advanced stop lines or “bike boxes,” are placed between a traffic light or a pedestrian crossing and the vehicle stopping zone, allowing cyclists to position themselves there. These reserved spaces enhance cyclists’ safety by ensuring they are not obscured by a vehicle, providing them with clear visibility. The bike box is typically indicated by road markings such as a white line or a green pictogram.


    Cyclists’ movements outside reserved areas

    Since September 14, 1998, a bicycle owner has the right to use the roadways. However, they must adhere to certain essential rules.

    When cycling on the road, cyclists must indicate the direction they intend to take. They can do this by using hand signals, for example. If they wish to turn right, they signal the direction to the right using their right arm.

    Cyclists are allowed to ride on sidewalks, but only if it is located in a shared space. In this situation, pedestrians retain priority. A shared space can be recognized easily by the presence of road sign B52.


    The function of the M12 road sign

    The M12 supplementary road signs are used to facilitate and streamline the movements of cyclists. The function of M12 signs is often unknown to road users. They are always associated with a traffic signal, such as traffic lights.

    These signs give permission for cyclists to proceed when a traffic light is red. However, cyclists must follow the direction indicated by an arrow on the sign (maximum of 3 arrows).

    The M12 supplementary sign constitutes a “yield” indication. However, it does not grant cyclists priority over other users (pedestrians, motorists, etc.) approaching from another direction. It is imperative to respect priority to ensure the safety of all road users.

    The regulation governing the installation of M12 supplementary signs

    Since the decree of January 12, 2012, regarding road and highway signage, M12 supplementary signs are identified as a distinct form of signage. Additionally, Article R. 415-15 of the Highway Code stipulates that these signs are exclusively reserved for cyclists. However, they are not mandatory or systematically deployed at red traffic lights.

    Cyclists on the roads

    Cyclists may ride on the right side of the road to avoid obstructing traffic; however, if a cycle lane is provided, they must use it.

    Our Expertise

    Our street signs are renowned for seamlessly integrating into rural environments.

    Choose an eco-friendly approach by using our environmentally sustainable and durable signs.

    WP Signalisation offers two manufacturing ranges for your signs

    • INNOV Range : These signs are lightweight, unbreakable, and durable, made from thermoplastic resin. They are perfectly suited for use as street signs. The product is resistant to oxidation since it’s made of thermoplastic resin, with aluminum rails and stainless steel screws.
    • TRADITION Range : These signs are made of 1.5-millimeter thick aluminum and can be customized through lacquering or anodization. They are also resistant to oxidation due to being made of aluminum with stainless steel screws.

    WP Signalisation also offers various decorative solutions. 

    Their digital printing workshop can manufacture your street plates and signs with several types of retroreflective film. However, M12 signs must be equipped with a Class 1 microbead coating, providing a 7-year warranty with minimum retroreflection performance of 50 cd/lux/m2 (for white film in new condition). This type of coating complies with the law for use in urban areas.

    All films come with UV and graffiti protection, ensuring that M12 signs can be installed on red lights without risk of degradation.

    These signs are unbreakable and weather-resistant.

    Discover our road signs on our shop panneaux de signalisation