• Français
  • Regulations



    « can not be used on open road as public traffic  certified road signs. »

    Arrêté du 3 mai 1978 – Article 1

    Two certifications for France and Europe: NF et CE. From January 1st of 2014, only certified road signs can be sended in Europe. Nevertheless, it still willl be possible to installed road signs with only NF certification during 4 years.

    We guarantee that all the road signs manufactured by WPSignalisation are CE NF certified and follow the actual regulation.

    This label is the ID road signs. Elle comprend :

    • company label
    • N° of certification
    • NF mark
    • CE
    • production  address


    Police road signs must be NF certified ( for road equipments, well positioned, visible night and day ).


    1. Road signs sizes : which sizes for which road signs?

    Gamme Triangle Disques Octogone Carrés Principaux modes d’emploi
    Très grande 1 500 mm 1 250 mm 1 200 mm 1 050 mm Sur autoroute
    Grande 1 250 mm 1 050 mm 1 000mm 900 mm Sur routes à chaussées séparées
    Normale 1 000 mm 850 mm 800 mm 700 mm Sur autres routes
    Petite 700 mm 650 mm 600 mm 500 mm Si difficulté d’implantation gamme normale
    Miniature 500 mm 450 mm 400 mm 350 mm Exclusivement en ville si difficultés d’implantation

    Information :

    « The road signs sizes are related to raod size. » Arrêté du 7 juin 1977 – Article 5.3

    2. What is retro reflexion ?

    The retro reflexion design the light quantity returned by a road sign or markings.
    WPSignalisation offers 3 film categories :

    Class 1 :

    • Microbead coating
    • Garantee : 7 years
    • Retro flexion minimal performances  : 50 cd/lux/m2 (for new white film)

    Class 2 DG :

    • Garantee : 12 years
    • Retro reflexion minimal performances : 300 cd/lux/m2 (pour film blanc à l’état neuf)

    Class 2 HIP :

    • Prismatic high density coating
    • Garantee : 10 years
    • Minimal performances : 180 cd/lux/m2 (pour film blanc à l’état neuf)

    When replace road signs ?

    Advice :

    • Class 1 = 8 years
    • Class 2 = 12 years

    Information :

     « As soon as the performance are under 70% of original quality.»

    Law of  January 31th, 1992

    3. Which high under road signs ?

    Hauteur Remarques
    Règle général 1 m Hauteur assurant une meilleure visibilité des panneaux avec les feux des véhicules
    En rase campagne 1 m
    En agglomération 2,30 m 2,30 m Le signal ne doit pas gêner les piétons et être masqué par un véhicule (Arrêté du 15 janvier 2007


    Type de voie Propriétaire Pouvoir de police en Agglomération Pouvoir de police hors Agglomération Obligations
    N70 État Préfet Maire Panneau de police certifié ASQUER, affecté et implanté au bon endroit et en bonne état de jour comme de Nuit.
    D110 Département Président du C.G Maire
    C25 Commune Maire Maire

    Roads open to public traffic are sometimes affected by obstacles or dangers whose existence is temporary.

    Temporary signage is intended to inform and guide the user to ensure his safety and that of road staff and promote the flow of traffic .

    It is in the form of devices to report such temporary traffic conditions.

    The principles governing road signs apply to temporary signaling .

    However, the specificity of the temporary signage based on the following additional principles :

    • Adaptation principle ( temporary signage must be adapted to circumstances dictate )
    • Principle of consistency (can give different instructions to those of permanent signaling )
    • Valuation principle ( must inform the user , influence their behavior )
    • Principles of concentration and clarity (to avoid overload and loss of readability)
    Permanent signaling road signs is designated by Police while road signs used for permanent signs of types A, AB , B , C, EC , G, J and M.

    Such a road sign is said to belong to the SP category .

    À savoir

    Principle It is better for consistency to not implement class road signs 1 and Class 2 in the same place.